When: Sunday April 1st, 10:30am-12:30pm
Hayden Orpheum Picture Palace, Cremorne
Live music by: Mauro Colombis
Presented by: Dr. Ben Goldsmith from the Australian Film, Television and Radio School
A selection of the Kings of Comedy at their funniest and at full throttle!
Charlie Chaplin in THE ADVENTURER (1917) 23 minutes; Buster Keaton in COPS (1922) 18 minutes; Laurel and Hardy in ANGORA LOVE (1929) 20 minutes; and Max Sennett's LIZZIES OF THE FIELD (1924) 10 minutes.
These films will be screened through digital presentation.
See the Australian born star Billy Bevan driving his snoozenburg!
For the young and young at heart: a choice selection of classic slapstick fun featuring the greatest comedians and best-loved gags such as police chase scenes and other exhilarating and unexpected antics.